Many sportscasters and others who expect better regulation of college football by the NCAA seem to overlook the fact that it is a creature of colleges and universities, not an independent, striving-for-objectivity regulatory organization. Kind of like the fox guarding the henhouse ... so don't expect a lot of change unless the schools want it.
From Beyond Friday Nights: College Football Recruiting for Players and Parents -- "The NCAA is a voluntary organization made up of the colleges, universities, and athletic conferences that compete in college sports. Those institutions are the members of the NCAA, and they enact rules and guidelines that govern eligibility and athletic competition. The rules and regulations are enforced by a national office ... The members and (national office) staff make up the (NCAA)."
From Beyond Friday Nights: College Football Recruiting for Players and Parents -- "The NCAA is a voluntary organization made up of the colleges, universities, and athletic conferences that compete in college sports. Those institutions are the members of the NCAA, and they enact rules and guidelines that govern eligibility and athletic competition. The rules and regulations are enforced by a national office ... The members and (national office) staff make up the (NCAA)."